Do you have trouble landing clients?

I sure as hell did early on in my journey.

I made offer after offer, reached out to tons of people, and even got on a few sales calls, but I couldn’t close anyone. No one was interested in my consulting, no one wanted to pay me for my service.

To make it even worse. Everyone gave the same objections of “I’ll think about it” or “It’s not the right time for me”. But then I’d watch them invest in someone else’s service just a week later.

I couldn’t for the life of me figure out what was holding me back.

That’s when I realized something.

It’s not that people weren’t ready. I wasn’t ready—or at least that’s what they believed.

Nobody trusted me to be able to help them.

I didn’t have any authority. Nothing to prove my worth. No big case studies, no fancy certificates—which nobodies care about anyway—nothing noteworthy to speak of.

Yeah, I had some testimonials from prior free calls I did.

But almost nobody really cares about testimonials you’ve gotten from free calls with absolute beginners. People only care about testimonials from others who are similar to them—that means paying customers if you want to get paid.

But not all was lost.

You see, I did have prior experience.

I just couldn’t show it properly. Yeah I had my newsletter, but that’s a long-term game. Yeah, I had my Twitter content, but that’s mostly top-of-funnel beginner content—which isn’t the same as the content that gets you higher-ticket clients.

So what did I do?

I made a digital product.

A paid one going in-depth into all the different concepts, frameworks, and principles I’ve learned so far. I gave step-by-step examples, and even managed to build some case studies into it—I apparently did have one.

All in all, I made a great product that proved my worth.

From then on I started landing more clients and actually getting paid for my higher-ticket service.

The crazy part?

Most people hadn’t even bought my product. They just knew I had one, saw some of the testimonials and the overall feedback, and instantly recognized me as an authority in the space.

The cherry on top?

I get paid handsomely by selling that product as well.

That’s what I like to call a win-win.

I’ve since then repeated this same process multiple times for different clients. Always one on one for a high price.

But not this time.

This time I’m giving you the chance to experience the same radical transformation I underwent. But you’re getting an even better transformation than mine.

Not only will I tell you how to accomplish what I did back then. But I’ve learned so much and know how to do it better, to get more than double the results.

I’ll also show you exactly how to do it in just 14 days—giving you the added benefit of having access to me for a full 14 days with all of your questions (even questions unrelated to building a digital product).

If you’d like to ideate, build, and profitably launch your digital product in the next 14 days.

And get recognized as an authority in your space from now on, giving you an almost unlimited access to higher-ticket clients, while also getting paid handsomely for the product itself.

Then sign up to join Ready, Set, Launch, the 14-day challenge:

P.S. Here’s an overview of the practical details and answers to some of the questions you might have:

Where and when will the challenge take place?

We’ll start Monday December 18th and finish Sunday December 31st.

We’ll have 4 live calls—one every Monday and Thursday at 3 pm CET to give everyone a fair shot at joining—and no worries I’ll record the calls.

Everything will be recorded and yours forever.

Do I need to have prior product experience?

No, you don’t.

This will work for you even if you’ve never created a product before.

I’ll support you every step of the way, telling you what to look out for and how to approach certain decisions.

There’s literally no way you won’t be able to do this.

Will your methods work to build a profitable product in my market?

I’ve consulted many different creators across all kinds of markets.

If there’s one thing I’ve learned, it’s that people never change.

They’re all the same.

The language you use may differ, so might the packaging. But the core concepts of how to ideate, build, and launch a profitable product always stay the same.

And don’t worry, I’ll also help you out determining the best packaging for your product.

How Does It Work?

  1. We ideate your product.

  2. I show you how to build & validate it.

  3. You apply my promotional frameworks.

  4. You sit back and watch the money pile in.

  5. Enjoy a new asset that’ll make you money for years to come

Are there any bonuses?

Yes there are.

In fact, I’ll be joining this challenge myself. Building my own product alongside you.

I’ve already more or less know what the product will be about. And it ain’t going to be a cheap one.

But, that’s not an issue for you. Because you’ll get access to this product for free, even as I’m building it. This way you’ll be able to see how I build my own products step-by-step—while also getting an amazing deal with the finished product.

This is the most valuable bonus I’ve ever given—and probably will remain so for a very long time.

What’s The Investment?

I can’t begin to explain how much value you’ll be getting.

  • 4 live calls walking you through the entire process

  • 14-days unlimited access to me where I’ll help you with every single question you’ve got

  • Behind-the-scenes access to how I build my own courses and write my own promotional emails

  • My upcoming finished product that I’ll be pricing at $150 or more.

  • Your very own finished product that’ll end up making you money for years to come

  • Access to a community of like-minded individuals all building their own products and working on their own promotions, ready to bounce ideas off and give feedback

  • The exact methods I used in my previous product launches to make a guaranteed profit.

Honestly, now that I’m writing it out like this, seeing how much you’re getting and how much value I included.

I could’ve turned this into a $2,000+ event—and I might do so in the future.

But for now?

Let me just say that I’m giving you the deal of a lifetime.

You can get all this for an investment of just $100.

That’s it.

No contracts, subscriptions, or recurring payments.

How long can I keep procrastinating on my decision to join?

You’ll have until tomorrow at midnight CET to make your decision.

That’s when I’ll close the doors and you won’t be able to join anymore.

How do I join?

Click this link to join right this very second: