Ready, set, launch your own product in just 14 days

One of my favorite responses I’ve ever gotten on an email has to be this one from daily reader and fellow Twitter creator Eshana:


Bro wth.

Can you stop launching so many products ahhhhhhhhhh!


It’s raw. It’s chaotic. It’s pure amazement.

And it made me feel good about the amount of effort I was putting into the business.

At the time I didn’t feel as if I was creating many products or coming up with a lot of different offers.

But after speaking with dozens of followers, readers, and clients, I realized that I might have been creating a lot—or at least a lot compared to most others

Turns out many people struggled with creating a product.

They often didn’t even know what to create, how to create it, let alone how to promote it—if people even got to that stage. And even if people had an idea for a product, they’d take ages to create the final version and actually be happy with what they’ve got.

Needless to say.

Most never got to the point of selling their products—let alone seeing how it sold itself and getting paid a consistent and reliable income for the work they’ve done in the past.

With that said.

I’ll have to ignore what Eshana asked me to do. I’ll do just the exact opposite and, once again, come out with something new.

Not quite a product (yet) but something close.

Let me introduce my newly created offer “Ready, Set, Launch”.

This will be a LIVE 2-week challenge where I’ll personally help you ideate, build, promote, and launch your new product in just 14 days.

The challenge itself will take place starting Monday, December 18th until Sunday, December 31st. We’ll have 4 calls—which will be recorded—in which I’ll show you what to do and how to do it alongside extra resources I’ll share with you to guarantee the success of your new product launch.

In those 4 calls, we’ll cover topics such as Ideation, course creation, how to structure your email promotions, how to write your sales pages, and how to actually get people to buy your product.

Alongside those 4 calls you’ll also have access to me and all other participants to bounce ideas of off, ask for feedback, and get directions on what to do.

Now, you know how much I care about overdelivering.

That’s exactly what I’ll be doing with this one.

Those 4 calls alone would cost $1,000 according to my normal rates. Even without constant access to me and the other participants. But you won’t have to pay anything close to that.

Instead, the investment is nothing more than a measly $100.

Something you’ll easily get back just from going through the challenge and finishing your course.

Sounds interesting?


Grab your spot here to join Ready, Set, Launch:

P.S. To ensure I can give everyone the required care & attention, I’m limiting the total amount of seats to just 10 people.

You’ll also only be able to purchase this offer until Saturday 16th December midnight CEST after which I’ll be closing the doors.

Once again, here’s the link: