Daily email reader asked for help to write a review

Today a daily email reader Gaurav, who bought my Abundant-Client System, hit me up to ask some questions.

He had a few questions about the contents of the course and how best to apply them to his business—and land more of those high-quality clients.

I quickly helped him out and he seemed content with my response.

But then he added something I didn’t expect.

Here’s the reply:


Also, I’ve been trying to write a review on the product for a while now. But all I see is a way to leave a rating, not write a review.

Is there any link for that?


I’m hosting my products on Gumroad—for now—and it only has a built-in “rating” system where people can rate your products from 1 to 5 stars depending on how much they like it.

As he said, there’s no functionality to leave a written review.

But here’s why It surprised me.

I had a Gumroad automation set up where people who bought the product would get an email a week after purchasing the product asking them if they’re interested in leaving a testimonial in exchange for an unreleased module.

That seemed good enough to me so I left it at that.

But it apparently wasn’t the case.

Here was someone who actively went looking for a way to leave a review and he had no idea how/where to do so. The email either got lost or never arrived in the first place.

This showed me the importance of frictionless design.

Make sure your customers, readers, clients, whoever it is, know exactly where to find stuff you want them to find and do the stuff you want them to do. It’s not enough that I know where to leave a review. They have to know as well.

This means exaggerating and doing (what feels like) too much.

Promote your offers daily, ask for testimonials multiple weeks across different mediums, tell the same stories dozens of times every month, and keep doing so until it’s almost impossible for people not to know what to do, where to do it, and how to do it.


Since I’m on the topic of constantly promoting your stuff.

If you want to see what all the hype is about. Why Gaurav has gone through my course multiple times already in just a few weeks. And why he’s so eager and so motivated to find where to leave a review to show his love and support for the product that’s helping him out with getting leads, qualifying his prospects, and landing clients consistently and effortlessly.

Then go see for yourself.

Here’s the link to my Abundant-Client System: https://alexvandromme.gumroad.com/l/clients