A few days ago Ben Settle, one of the greatest email marketers alive, wrote an email about something called a “Go To Guy”.
It’s a term he heard being used in an interview with Gary Halbert where Gary asked the following question:
Imagine you needed a task done where the stakes are enormous. Literally if this task couldn’t be done, you would be beheaded, or your baby daughter would be killed right in front of your eyes, or some other horrifying thing where the stakes couldn’t be higher.
And let’s say you don’t even know what the task is.
You just know it has to be done and you have to pick someone else to do it, and are not allowed to do it yourself.
You also don’t know if it’s a big task that takes a year and requires multiple deals and connections… if it means traveling across the world and hopping across multiple continents… if it requires lots of physical strength… or even if it means committing some kind of violence or outright killing someone (or several someones).
In that situation… who you gonna call?
And this really got me thinking.
For one, I don’t think most people have a “Go To Guy” that comes to mind. The first things that came to mind were close friends or family members. But even then, most of them are more a “someone-who’d-do-some-more-effort-to-help-you-out-as-opposed-to-someone-else guy”.
Not exactly the same thing, are they?
Needless to say. I wouldn’t know who to call.
Maybe you do. Or maybe you know some people, fictional or not, who would be classified as “Go To Guys”.
What I know is that this could be an ideal to strive towards.
Not in the “oh yeah that guy likes to get his hands dirty” type of way. But more in the “That guy hasn’t ever let me down and I trust in his ability to get shit done with every cell of my body, regardless of how much shit hits the fan” type of way.
I hope you get what I mean.
Call me crazy for thinking like this, I don’t care. But that simple email turned into something that keeps me going.
While I couldn’t think of my own examples of a “Go To Guy”, let alone someone I know.
I do know a “Go To Resource” when it comes to learning how to write daily entertaining emails that get you paid and keep your readers reading day after day—even if you randomly feel like talking about “Go To Guys”.
Which you should already know is an extremely biased opinion of mine, simply because it’s my own course which I’ve been heavily promoting for—almost—2 weeks now.
But I still stand by what I said.
I’ve obviously taken other email courses before. And I’ve rarely seen one executed correctly.
That’s something I wanted to change, and something I DID change, with mine.
Don’t believe me?
Check it out yourself at: https://alexvandromme.gumroad.com/l/EE/EMAIL
P.S. I’m doubling the price for my course today at midnight CET.
To get the full details on Email Extraordinaire do this:
1. Read every single word at the URL below to make an informed purchase
2. Buy it before Friday, December 1st at midnight CET to get it before the price increase
3. Use code EMAIL at the checkout
And make sure you see the price change before entering your info
(I technically already doubled the price, but this discount code allows you to get the course at the original price until Friday, December 1st)
Here’s the link: https://alexvandromme.gumroad.com/l/EE/EMAIL