It saddens me to see how people mistreat their email lists.
See, I’m subscribed to a bunch of email lists. Most of them for the content, their value and entertainment. But a few of them simply because of the people who write them.
Either they’re friends of mine or they are other “successful” people who I want to see what they’re doing.
And so many people just disappoint me. Yes, even the “successful” people.
Sure, they might be successful with their Twitter growth or the money they make selling their offers. But that sure as hell doesn’t mean they know what they’re doing when it comes to email marketing.
And it shows.
Some of those people send me a few emails a week, sporadically.
No consistency at all.
One week I might get 2 emails, then none the following week, and then 3 emails the week after. Now although I don’t agree with their method and their chaos. That’s not the worst part.
The worst part is the content of those emails.
“Hey, my course is live, check it out!”, reads one email. Another one reads, “Hey I made this guide for some of my clients, I thought I’d share it with you as well, cheers.” And then yet another one reads, “My client Bob made $5k because of my awesome super magical and out-of-this-world coaching skills, which nobody else can do and he sure as hell couldn’t have done it without me. So get my coaching as well if you want similar results (even though you probably won’t)”.
It’s thrash.
Ok not all the emails I get are that awful.
Some do have something going for them. At least for the first few you get. But after the first 3 emails, you’ll realize that every single email is exactly the same. There’s no variation to it. They’re like a cooked piece of chicken without any spices.
Bland & boring.
I’m not here to bash on these people. I sincerely wish them good luck in their business. But I hope that they pick up their email game soon and improve their craft. Because they’re missing out on a bunch of cash, credibility, authority, and growth.
The good news?
You won’t make any of these mistakes. You’re on my email list after all. You should know better.
Taking it even further.
I’ve taken it upon myself to teach people how to actually write emails that get you paid. How not to be the proverbial piece of chicken. How to stand out, not be boring, and how to keep your readers engaged so they keep coming back every single day and just love to buy from you.
And I’m teaching all of it in my flagship course Email Extraordinaire for an investment so low I should get thrown into a mental asylum, never to step foot in the open air ever again.
But there’s a catch.
I’m doubling the price for my course Friday, December 1st.
My advice? Check it out right now to get it before then.
To get the full details on Email Extraordinaire do this:
1. Read every single word at the URL below to make an informed purchase
2. Buy it before Friday December 1st at midnight CET to get 50% off
3. Use code EMAIL at the checkout
(Make sure you see the price change before entering your info)
Here’s the link: