I had a big business breakthrough 2 months ago.
I improved my social media growth, my email list growth, my hourly rate, my product sales, and above all, my overall monthly income. Things were going amazingly.
But that turned into a problem.
I got complacent. I stopped reaching out to people, decreased my number of daily tweets, and almost entirely stopped engaging with other people’s content.
For some reason I thought I’d gotten to a place where I could stop putting in the work.
But that was far from the truth.
I’d gained momentum, true. But when you get momentum, it’s important to keep going. Push it even harder. Use that momentum to reach unknown heights. Push it to its absolute maximum.
But I didn’t.
And I felt it as of late. Almost everything was decreasing. So I decided it was time for a change.
I’ll start pumping out crazy amounts of content—like nothing you’ve ever seen before.
40+ content pieces a week, new (or improved) offers twice a month, long-form almost every day, a lot more active conversations with my Twitter followers, hopping on friendly calls again, and re-awakening my consulting business.
I’m even thinking about starting a regular (bi-)weekly space again or just doing a full-out podcast—will look for people who are down to host one together, who knows what becomes of it.
I might even start a short daily video project talking more in-depth about some interesting topics that I’ve learned/discovered that day/week, who knows.
But why am I telling you this?
Well, first of all, accountability. I’ve never been one to make empty promises. I keep my word and so now I just have to do so. I can’t stand people who talk about projects they’re planning or promises they made only to end up doing nothing at all.
After all, your reputation is the most important asset you own.
But secondly, even though I got complacent and my growth completely fell apart, my income didn’t. My income remained stable and untouched.
And that’s all thanks to my email list.
As long as I keep writing my daily emails—which is the one thing I never stopped doing—then my income won’t plummet. I can always reliably predict how much I’m going to earn simply because of my email list.
And it’s crazy how many people, especially creators, still don’t understand the raw power of an email list.
But as a faithful reader on my list, you certainly do realize the power of an email list. The power to keep a stable income. A reliable income as well, which only requires you to spend 20 minutes a day writing a simple entertaining email.
Which brings me to my course Email Extraordinare where I teach you all about how to grow & monetize your email list.
I’ll teach you all the systems I use to get you up and running in no time.
I’m doubling the price for my course December 1st. Check it out right now to get it before then.
To get the full details on Email Extraordinaire do this:
1. Read every single word at the URL below to make an informed purchase
2. Buy it before Friday December 1st at midnight CET to get 50% off
3. Use code EMAIL at the checkout
(Make sure you see the price change before entering your info)
Here’s the link: https://alexvandromme.gumroad.com/l/EE/EMAIL