Are you bumping into your readers everyday for a quick chat?

Yesterday, I received a message from Henry, a reader and self-proclaimed ‘middle-aged finance bro with an entrepreneurial streak’.

He picked up my Abundant-Client System recently and he mentioned how it was only after “the 20th email” that he thought to try it out—and how he’s glad he did.

He then added the following line about my daily emails:


You've hit a very good cadence. It's like bumping into you in the common room everyday for a quick chat.


And I just love that.

That’s the exact feeling I’m going for and the main reason why emailing daily is the way to go, as opposed to only showing up once a week in your reader’s inbox.

This whole business, it’s all relationship-building at the end of the day.

And who’s going to build the strongest relationship? The guy who shows up once a week with a “5 tips to get more work done” email or the guy who shows up every single day, never skipping a day, not even Christmas, and invites you into his world, shares his stories with you, gives you valuable insights, and makes sure to interact with you, to entertain you, and be there for you at the same time forever.

It’s like Henry says.

Your goal is to be that one friend you meet daily in the common room when you take a break, that one colleague you talk with daily when refilling your coffee, he’s there every single time. Giving you a break from work—from life—and entertaining you for a short while until it’s time to go back to whatever you were doing.

You’re being transported to another world in a sense.

A world you’d much rather be in than whatever world you were in previously. Whenever you have a break, or even while you’re working, that’s what you’re looking forward to.

You just can’t do that with your standard weekly email.

You’re not close enough. It’s not frequent enough to build that same relationship.

So ask yourself:

Who would you rather be? What type of relationship would you rather have with your audience? Equally, if not more, important. Who do you think actually gets paid?

And if you’d like to learn more about how to send high-quality, even extraordinarily high-quality daily emails that get you paid and keep your readers reading day after day—looking forward to having a chat with you in the common room.

Then click here: