Well, I’m sort of rebranding at least.
I won’t suddenly turn into a stoic fitness guru or anything. But I do feel like it’s time to refresh/update the feel of my brand.
So far I’ve only renamed my email course and changed my profile picture on Twitter (go check it out).
Other things I plan on changing sometime in the near future—I don’t have a specific timeframe in mind—are the designs I use for my products, the look of my articles on Beehiiv, hell maybe even the name of this newsletter/email list hybrid combination.
I always liked the name ‘Ascend’.
I might still do something with it—or I might not, who knows. But I’m guessing the email list ‘name’, as far as it has to have a name, might see some changes soon.
I’m also considering updating my banner on Twitter.
I made it back in February if I’m not mistaken. And it’s the first one that I just fell in love with. It immediately felt right—something I never had before with any of my other banners.
But I’ve grown in the meantime.
People grow, businesses grow, and it’s time that my brand reflects it as well.
Another thing that’ll undoubtedly change soon, and something I’ve wanted to update for such a long time right now, is the opt-in page for my email list.
Now don’t get me wrong.
I love the current look of it. It’s also something that just feels right. But something’s missing. Something I’m not quite sure what it is yet. Perhaps I’ll redo the entire thing. Perhaps I’ll keep it as it is and just add a few sections.
One of the things I want to add is a section of testimonials of people talking about the email list itself.
And that’s where you come in.
You see, I have a bunch of testimonials. But those are solely about me or my consulting sessions—not even for my products (something I’ll fix soon as well).
I’ve never explicitly gathered testimonials for my email list.
So that’s why, if you enjoy reading my emails, find them highly educational, appreciate my sense of humor, or even if you just use my emails as a swipe file, it would mean the world to me if you’d take just 2 minutes of your time to leave a testimonial.
You can write whatever you want, good, awesome, boring, or outright aggressive it doesn’t matter I read it all.
Here’s the link: https://www.bonjoro.com/te/email-list/695147e7-8beb-4585-88e4-ceb40c42f1f7
P.S. I don’t want to ask for a favor without giving anything in return.
But I currently don’t have anything prepared for the moment. I came up with this idea to start collecting testimonials right now when I sat down to write an email, so here’s what we’ll do instead.
Reply back to this email with something you struggle with or something you’d like me to create or talk/write about.
I’ll look at all the answers I get and I’ll turn the most common/most interesting/most useful response I get into a bonus for filling out the testimonial.
Everyone who has written a testimonial will receive that bonus.
Hope that sounds good to you.
Once again, here’s the link: https://www.bonjoro.com/te/email-list/695147e7-8beb-4585-88e4-ceb40c42f1f7