Would you like to be able to completely ignore your competition?

Your aim should be to build a competition-proof business.

I previously talked about competition-proof businesses regarding ideating and creating an offer your audience desperately needs. And one that’s unique to you, one that only you could offer. One that can’t be swiped, copied, or stolen.

And sure that’s a big part of building a competition-proof business. But there are 2 other techniques you could use to do so.

One of them is proper positioning.

See, most people hear ‘positioning’ and they think about cost-leadership or product differentiation. Or maybe, just maybe, they’ve read and researched a fair bit and they think about Blue Ocean Strategy—a book by Renée Maubornge and W. Chan Kim, and worth the read.

But that’s far from it.

They’re thinking about it in the traditional way. The old way businesses have been thinking for centuries. They’re overcomplicating it, but they also had to for various reasons.

See, we live in the digital age. With digital leverage and the possibility to build a personal brand, to turn yourself into a business, not just own or work in a business.

We can use the new way, the more efficient way, the easier way, or simply the better way.

Think about it this way:

Whatever business you’re in. There are undoubtedly lots of other people in that same business. But there’s only one you, which means there’s a position you can take that’ll allow you to build a world that’s yours and yours alone.

A method that allows you to take a position which has the prerequisite that the user has to be you.

A position that’s competition-proof.

Because who could compete with you on being you?

But there’s a caveat to be made here. While I do talk about it in detail in my Abundant-Client System. I can’t tell you what to do. I can’t even tell you how to do it. All I can do is inspire you and guide you in the right direction.

There’s just no possible way for me to tell you what to do. Imagine if I could create a checklist, a template, or a roadmap for you to follow. One where you just had to execute the next step in front of you. That would take away the magic of positioning yourself as you.

As long as you could use a checklist I made to reach your goal, then someone else could do so as well.

Enabling competition in the process.

So take this into account. Yes, I have included my sales frameworks which you can follow step-by-step to land clients in the DMs. But no, not everything I talk about will be easy to implement. I can’t hold your hand throughout the whole journey. You’ll have to venture out on your own if you want to get the full 100% out of the course.

If you’re unable to do so. then maybe reconsider whether this purchase is the right one for you.

In case you’re still interested in hearing more. Then by all means click the link here: https://alexvandromme.gumroad.com/l/clients/CLIENTS

P.S. The 67% discount on the product only lasts until midnight CEST, Friday 27th (tomorrow).

Here’s what to do if you want to hop on this deal:

1. Buy it before the deadline via the link below

2. Use code CLIENTS at the checkout in case it didn’t get added automatically

3. Make sure you see the price change before entering your credit card info

Once again, here’s the link: https://alexvandromme.gumroad.com/l/clients/CLIENTS