Discover what your audience desperately needs

I’ve been talking a lot about how to get clients as of late.

Mostly about how to qualify them, reach out to them, get them to reach out to you, close them through conversation, either on a call or in the DMs, and a lot more of those kinds of topics.

And all of this is great.

But there’s one underlying aspect that doesn’t always get the recognition it deserves. That’s the offer itself.

A big part of getting clients is dangling the right offer in front of them.

Everyone can make an offer that some people are slightly interested in. But creating an offer that most people—or at least your target audience—desperately need is a whole different story.

Lucky for us, there are a few ways you can discover what your audience desperately needs and come up with the perfect offer, making sure you’ll always get flooded with clients, without having to make much extra effort.

I’m not exaggerating when I say this.

Get the right offer, the thing your clients don’t even know they want yet. The offer that once they see it, they just desperately need because it’s the only thing that’s able to scratch the itch they’ve got in their mind. And you’ll be flooded.

If you’re not careful, you’ll be overrun by a demand you simply can’t handle if you’re not prepared for it.

Using one of these methods to create these kinds of offers also allows you to effectively build a competition-proof business. Simply because nobody else 1) came up with your idea and 2) once they see your success, they simply can’t copy you like they would with other offers.

And believe me, they’ll try to copy you.

They always do.

But in this case? In this case, they’ll simply be giving you more business and more recognition, instead of taking business away for you.

You’ve essentially created an offer so good and so unique (because of your methods to know what your audience needs) that every attempt at competing with you will only make you stronger.

Is this a strong claim?

Absolutely. I might even say it’s the strongest claim I’ve made in all the 8 months I’ve been writing emails. Hell, I don’t think I’ll ever come close to making a stronger claim. At least as of now I’m simply incapable of making a stronger claim because I just don’t know anything more powerful than this.

And coincidentally, I’ve also been doing this religiously for about 120 days—and even longer unreligiously.

The crazy part?

For the longest time, I’ve been doing this without realizing that I was doing it.


I’m doing it right now. Or at least I’m currently building the foundation and the setup to use the method right now. Me typing this word—this one—is part of my masterplan to create the best offers that my audience desperately needs and makes my business all but competition-proof.

You might have figured out one of the methods that I’ve been hinting at and teasing for most of this email right now. Or you might not.

Either way, there are still a few other methods I talk about in Module 8 of my Abundant-Client System that work as well—if not better.

And when combined?

Oh boy, you’ve got a real powerhouse then.

Anyway, if you’d like to learn more, you might want to click this link here:

P.S. The 67% discount on the product only lasts until midnight CEST, Friday 27th.

Here’s what to do if you want to hop on this deal:

1. Buy it before the deadline via the link below

2. Use code CLIENTS at the checkout in case it didn’t get added automatically

3. Make sure you see the price change before entering your credit card info

Once again, here’s the link: