My anecdotal secret to enjoying what you’re doing

Recently I’ve been putting in more effort into my business.

I’m writing more emails. I’m creating more content. And I’ve been talking to a lot more people.

The results?

I’ve made more sales. Released more products. Landed more clients. Came up with more ideas for the future. And above all, I enjoyed doing everything a lot more.

Hell, it’s not even just business-related.

I’ve started reading more as well. And weirdly enough. I actually started enjoying my time spent reading much more. Who would’ve thought?

Now, I’m no expert. I’m no psychologist or any other special type of person who studied stuff and can confidently say why this happens. No. I can only tell you about my experience.

But this isn’t just a fluke.

Take something you don’t despise doing. Something you find at least something interesting. And just do a lot of it.

You’ll become better at it. Start to discover the hidden intricacies of the skill you’re pursuing. And you’ll start to appreciate everything you’re doing—and can do—a whole lot more. Which often ends up with you enjoying the activity even more.

I’m not saying you can’t enjoy stuff you don’t do often. Or you can’t enjoy stuff you’re not good at. Far from it.

I enjoy playing the guitar and I’m awful at it.

But most of the time, your enjoyment only becomes stronger when you actually put in the time and effort to develop the skillset and the understanding to appreciate everything you (or even other people) are doing.

Which brings me to my point.

I won’t promise that learning how to get leads, qualify your prospects, and land clients effortlessly will make it your favorite activity on earth. But I’m pretty confident that if you learn the fundamentals and know where to go, you’ll definitely appreciate the activity enough to actively start enjoying it whenever you spend time doing so—and nobody dislikes making more money.

Click the link here to learn more:

P.S. The 67% discount on the product only lasts until midnight CEST, Friday 27th.

Here’s what to do if you want to hop on this deal:

1. Buy it before the deadline via the link below

2. Use code CLIENTS at the checkout in case it didn’t get added automatically

3. Make sure you see the price change before entering your credit card info

Once again, here’s the link: