How I’m using this launch as an experiment for a promotion schedule

This is the second email you received from me today.

The same as yesterday. And you’ll get 2 emails tomorrow as well. This is because there are only 3 days remaining until the price increase—and the full launch—of my Abundant-Client System.

I’m trying out a new email promotion schedule.

Now, don’t worry. I promise I won’t send 5 emails in the last 24 hours like the last time I did a promotion.

No. You’ll only receive 2, maybe 3 emails—I haven’t decided yet.

After the promotion is over I’ll let you know what the results were. If they were good results, as I’m 80% sure they will be, I’ll talk about everything I did and why I did it in a future Sunday mail.

I’ll also include a more in-depth look at the schedule in my Simple Money Emails course in case you’re interested in learning more about that.

That’s efficiency for you.

Doing one specific experiment and creating multiple forms of content out of it. While getting paid for each and every one of them.

As you might know, both simplicity & efficiency are crucial pillars of how I do business.

And my client acquisition methods are no different.

I don’t spend my time sending 100 DMs a day to a cold audience. Hell, I don’t even hop on sales calls anymore—not even for my $1,000 coaching clients. There’s simply no need for me to do so with the methods I’ll teach you in the Abundant-Client System.

All you need is a nice funnel, an easy method of qualifying the right prospects, and a clearly outlined page, which I call “The Golden Document”, describing your offer that you can send to your prospects and which does the selling for you.

I’ve written about this 3-step funnel in prior emails.

But I go more in-depth on how you can apply it to your business to get clients on semi-autopilot and make sure you get paid.

If that tickles your fancy, check out more information here:

P.S. The 67% discount on the product only lasts until midnight CEST, Friday 27th.

Here’s what to do if you want to hop on this deal:

1. Buy it before the deadline via the link below

2. Use code CLIENTS at the checkout in case it didn’t get added automatically

3. Make sure you see the price change before entering your credit card info

Once again, here’s the link: