A few months ago on a consultation call Justin asked me a question a really great question that doesn’t get talked about enough.
Before I tell you the question, let me give you a quick backstory.
Justin was new to Money Twitter and he wanted to start building his own creator business. He liked the way I ran my business and how I was helping people. He saw himself running his business the same way for the long term so he wanted my help to get his business up and running and guide him in the right direction.
There was only one problem. I’m focused on monetization. I teach people how to monetize their creator business. He had no prior experience monetizing his (or anyone’s) creator business. So how could he start teaching people how to monetize theirs—let alone charging for it?
We worked on his offer on that specific call and I suggested he go down the consultation road before he focused on anything else. And that’s when he got confused and asked me the following question:
“How can I promise people that I’ll be able to teach them how to land clients and monetize their audience if I haven’t done so myself?”
My answer? You don’t.
You don’t promise them that—contrary to the “fake it till you make it” approach most people take on Twitter.
No instead you change your promise in a way to something you know you can deliver. Here’s an example.
Instead of marketing his (paid) consultation calls as “I’ll help you get clients and make money” I suggested to Justin that he hopped on 10 free consultation calls first.
These free calls will do many things such as build authority, get social proof, help him gain experience, and help him understand what kind of topics he doesn’t yet know (and still has to learn).
But the most important benefit in this case is that he has to learn how to get ‘clients’ interested enough to hop on a free consultation call with him. His clients might not have to pay with money. But they still have to pay with their time. Thus you’ll have to make them believe that your consultation call is more valuable than the time they’re giving up. (Which in itself isn’t always easy to do)
After those 10 free consultation calls, Justin will have gotten a lot of experience. He undoubtedly knows how to get (free) leads, where to find them, how to approach them, how to schedule calls, maybe even how to decrease the amount of no-shows. And he will have gained a lot of other experiences from the stuff he helped those people with on the calls (if they indeed got results from the call).
Now Justin can start charging.
And the promise? There’s so much more he can promise now. One of which being how to approach clients to make them interested, where to find them, and everything else I mentioned above.
To reiterate. You don’t promise things you can’t deliver. That’s a scam and a lie. And we—good businesses—don’t do either.
With that said.
Here’s a promise for you: I promise you that I’ll be able to teach you how to get leads, qualify your prospects, and actually land (paid) clients consistently and effortlessly with my Abundant-Client System.
Learn more about it here: https://alexvandromme.gumroad.com/l/clients/CLIENTS