The #1 most common question I get asked

I’ve been getting asked the same question over and over again lately.

And that question is how to pick a niche.

Turns out this is by far the most common question and the burning problem in people’s minds. Chances are you struggle with that same question.

Do you talk about copywriting? Will you become a life coach? Is becoming a crypto trader who you truly are?

And the most common obstacle in finding a niche is that people have too many interests and they “can’t choose”.

I’m here to tell you all of this is wrong. Yes. The whole approach. This is such a prevalent problem simply because it’s not how we’re supposed to function.

Buckle up because I’m severely passionate about this.

So first off. Stop listening to every single guru out there who says that you need to pick a profitable niche to build in if you want to make money. That’s pure BS.

Now, don’t go hating them. They simply don’t know any better themselves.

But here’s the thing.

Picking a niche worked in the past. It’s what businesses have done for ages. That’s traditional marketing.

But we’re not doing traditional marketing. We aren’t just some businesses. No no, you and I are building a personal brand.

We’re marketing ourselves. And we just so happen to sell something.

That’s the first rule. Your offer and YOU are 2 separate entities.

You might offer copywriting services. But that doesn’t mean you’re “just a copywriter”. No far from it. You’re more.

Every single human being has multiple interests, multiple passions, multiple opinions, multiple goals, multiple stories and experiences. Stop limiting yourself to only embodying one of them.

Your goal is to make people relate to you. To make them resonate with what you’re saying.

How are you going to achieve this by portraying a superficial image of yourself? Of a human being?

Answer: you don’t.

Here’s a fact: the average person follows 150 different accounts on any given social media platform.

Those 150 different people aren’t all talking about the same interests or skills. Maybe you follow 10 different copywriters. But surely not 100?

People want to hear more about different interests. So give them exactly that.

Added benefit: if you talk about 5 of your interests regularly, you’ll attract 5x times the audience.

You’ll attract the audience that’s attracted in each of those interests. And slowly you’ll be able to make connections between these interests. Show your audience the benefits of each.

How did they improve your life? Why do they matter? Slowly you’ll start educating and improving the lives of every single person in your audience.

And that’s how you’ll start to build your own world. A place that’s unforgettable.

The 10th copywriter you see isn’t memorable. But the first guy who introduced you to new topics is.

But, and I’ve said it before, there’s one problem. There’s no checklist. No easy fix to help you figure out what to talk about. Nobody can decide for you what you should pursue.

Because it wouldn’t be yours. It wouldn’t be your world.

You have to think about your interests. What excites you? What do you think would be exciting? What did you find fascinating as a child before you “grew up”?

Follow those curiosities. Don’t listen to the advice of other people.

In fact, don’t even listen to me. Do whatever the f you want to do. Do your own thing.

There are 8 billion people in the world. Trust me when I say millions of those people will resonate with you if you simply do what you find interesting.

And if you still don’t know what to do, I’ve got just the thing for you.

Let me introduce you to my Ultimate Content Creator’s Toolkit. It’s a collection of all the most important resources I’ve found and used myself to build the business I’ve got today.

It took me 7 months, more than $5,000, and countless stupid mistakes to get here. But I could’ve done it in 2 months and a lot cheaper if I just knew where to look and what to believe when I first started.

Again, this won’t tell you what to do. It won’t lay out a roadmap for you to follow. There’s no checklist to complete. But there’s a lot of vital information you need to figure out your own way of doing this.

This is for you if you want to make an impact. If you want to be something more than yet another copywriter.

This is for you if you know there’s something more and are willing to pursue your own curiosities. Without letting other people tell you what you can & can’t do.

Check it out here: