Can you figure out this secret trick?

Yesterday, I shared a list of some potentially well-known accounts in the Money Twitter space who read my emails daily.

The reason for this was to give me some extra authority and drive some clicks (and sales) to my course.

Or at least, that’s the reason most people probably noticed. And it’s true. It did help me got some clicks (and sales).

But it did more than just that.

You see. Getting clicks (and sales), while welcome, wasn’t the main purpose of that tactic.

There are so many stories I could tell. Different flexes I could make. Different testimonials I could share. All of them would get me more clicks (and sales).

No. This was different.

It had an added benefit.

The added benefit of getting replies. Imagine you saw your name mentioned in an email. Wouldn’t you reply to it?

I know you would. I know because over half of the people on that list replied.

But that’s not all.

I could’ve never created a list that included everyone noteworthy who’s on my list.

So a few people replied mentioning they’re on my list as well.

One of them was the queen of productivity @ItsElleCheron herself. Another one was @audrlo our favorite community builder who just passed 1,000 followers in less than 35 days.

So let this be a reminder.

In business, as in life. There’s always more going on than you think.

That being said, there’s still one more benefit my last email provided me with. (this email as well in fact).

A benefit so big that it can change the entirety of how your readers perceive you. A small little detail so important it can be the difference between having trouble selling a $50 note for $1 and people camping in front of their computer, wanting to be the first ones to buy your newly released $500 course.

And yet, something almost everyone overlooks and doesn’t think twice about when sending their emails. (I’ve only ever seen 1 person in the past 7 months talk about this)

Think you know what it is? Reply to this email with what you think the 3rd benefit is and I’ll let you know whether you’re right or wrong.

But if you truly want to learn more about this 3rd benefit. Or if you want to learn more about writing emails in general. Specifically, emails that get you paid while keeping your readers reading day after day.

Then check out my course Simple Money Emails here: