Take this thank-you gift from me

This Friday I sent out an email explaining how I last half my email list overnight.

In case you missed that email. No worries. Nothing truly bad happened. I simply cleaned up my email list.

But I ended that email by asking people to reply. It could be anything they wanted. A simple “hey”, “banana” or a question you’d like answered. The purpose was to get some more replies to help out with the quality of my newsletter.

This helps me avoid the spam folder in the future.

I didn’t think much of it. I wasn’t expecting a lot of replies. I mean why would you bother? I wasn’t giving much in return. But boy was I wrong.

I got a tremendous amount of responses. It took me hours to respond to every single one. So from the bottom of my heart. Thank you.

I appreciate you. You stuck around in my email list after the clean-up for a reason. And it shows.

Because of that I’d like to give back. It would feel wrong to get so much support and not give 10x as much value back to you.

So with that said. Here’s what I’m offering today.

I’ve written quite a lot of words, articles, newsletter issues, giveaways, courses, you name it.

I’ve been in this game for almost 6 months and I during that time I’ve been building the habit of writing for 1–2 hours first thing in the morning. Long story short. I have a lot of useful resources available to share.

Reply to this email with ANY problem you’re facing regarding building your creator business.

This could be growth, positioning, offer creation, lead flow generation, funnel building, writing frameworks, mindset shifts, automation tools, or even my opinions about certain courses of others.

I’ll probably have something in my arsenal that can help you. And if I don’t I’ll create one right then and there.

You have nothing to lose.

The solution to your problem might be one email away.

Looking forward to hearing your responses.