I’ve lost half my readers overnight

I did the unthinkable. I cleaned up my email list. All inactive readers have been ‘purged’. I even had some readers who were consistently bouncing my emails. (the emails were being blocked)

From 700 readers to a whopping 430. That’s an enormous difference.

Almost half my list.

The good news is that my open rate will be sky-high from now on. As will the deliverability of my emails in the future.

In all honesty. My email deliverability wasn’t great.

This cleanup was necessary. A friend of mine reached out to share that some of my emails (more than half) were ending up in his spam folder.

I did recently change to my custom domain. Which I might have had to be more strategic about.

I’m far from an email deliverability expert.

All I know is that ISPs are a thing and that there are methods to improve how often your emails end up in the primary inbox as opposed to the promotion or the spam tab.

But that wasn’t even the worst part.

As it turns out. A lot of the responses to my emails would also end up in MY spam folder. I’ve been working through these responses. I promised I would reply to every single one. And nothing’s going to change that.

I’ve been slowly getting back to them today. But I might have missed a few in my spam. My inbox might have already deleted some of them.

So if you’ve ever reached out to me.

Whether on the welcome email or on any other. And I haven’t gotten back to you. Let me know.

I’ll gladly answer any questions you have.

Just reply to this mail and I’ll get back to you ASAP. (yes I’ll check my spam this time and fix this so it doesn’t happen again)

That being said. Even if you don’t have a question. You could do me a HUGE favor by simply replying to this email. It can be whatever you want.

Reply with “hey” or “banana”.

It’s going to prove that people actually like my email to the internet services that determine whether my emails are spam. It’ll help me reach more people and avoid situations like this in the future.

You have my thanks.