Easily one of the best I have ever received

I went overboard yesterday. My Sunday email ended up being 2,200 words long.

They’re usually closer to 1,000 – 1,500 words. I try to keep them actionable, straight to the point, and easily digestible. No fluff.

But for some reason I just couldn’t shorten yesterday’s email. There was so much value to share. I’m not here to give you “just enough” to become interested in some paid course of mine.

I’m giving you the full chapter. Yesterday’s mail is the exact module that I’ve written for a course I’m working on. It included ALL of the value. Nothing held back.

I had my doubts originally. Thinking it was too long for my regular weekly email. Too overwhelming. But then I received this message from Bryan:

So there you have it. If this teaches you anything. Let it be to never hold anything back.

Give everything you’ve got.

If it doesn’t sting when giving your stuff away. You’re not giving enough. It should hurt. You should be thinking “damn, I could monetize this”. That’s the sweet spot.

With that said. Here’s some more free juice from me.

I shared my 8-step process for selling through DMs with you last week. But there’s one thing I didn’t mention. You don’t have to go through all 8 steps every single time. Especially when it’s a low/medium-ticket offer instead of a high-ticket one.

Here’s an interaction I had earlier this month to give you an example.

I noticed someone was engaging with my content quite a lot. So I hopped into his DMs and send him this:

Just saying hello. Nothing more nothing less. The aim here is to get an answer, that’s all. And an answer I got:

Did you notice? That’s the dream response. You couldn’t ask for anything better. “All I need is that first client”. Because of that we’re able to skip steps 3 & 4. It’s time to start digging deeper.

In what follows I asked him what he thought was holding him back from getting that first client and some general questions about his current offer (product/service).

It turned out that his biggest struggles were a lack of information which made him doubt whether he was good enough to start offering his services.

Not that I know all of this I’m ready to pitch my offer. So I send him this message:

And then he said, “Ew no, that’s awful.”

Alright no. That’s not what happened. It would be one hell of a plot twist though.

He said it sounded perfect.

Then I just send him my Calendly link so he could book a call at a time of his choosing.

A trick I learned from JK Molina was to mention that you’ll start getting everything set up and ready to go once the call is booked (and paid) to encourage people to book right then and there.

So he paid. We had a call. He was happy, ready to take over the world. And I got an extra testimonial.

Those were 5 steps.

Let this be a reminder that every framework is nothing more than a bunch of guidelines.

You can and should alter them if the situation requires it.

Ps. Did the above pitch sound like something you could benefit from as well? Do you want to learn how to improve your offer, attract clients through your content, and start monetizing your personal brand? Schedule a call with me here and we’ll build you a similar roadmap to start getting you paid while working less than 3 hours a day.