What do you think of these changes?

Do you still remember the welcome email you’ve gotten when you signed up for my newsletter?

You might’ve gotten it 3 months ago when I first started. Or you might have gotten it only yesterday.

Whatever the case may be. You might remember this sentence:

“I’m making this up as I go. It’s not a structured newsletter yet.”

It’s something I wrote at the end of my email. At the time I had no idea what I was doing. (I still don’t). And I wanted to use that fact as a motivational message.

I hope it worked. I sincerely hope you realized that it’s okay NOT to know what you’re doing. You wouldn’t be here otherwise. I know I wouldn’t.

But that brings me to the topic of today’s email. And the reason why you’re even getting an email from me today.

I’ve been writing weekly emails for the past 3 months. In that time I’ve learned quite a few things. One of them is that I absolutely love writing these.

They’re satisfying to write. It’s motivating to receive so many positive replies. And it’s the only way I could ever go so in-depth into certain topics. Something a 280-character tweet doesn’t allow me to do.

So all in all. I love writing a weekly newsletter.

But then again. What about a daily one? I wouldn’t know. I've never done it before.

This is something I’ve been thinking about for quite a while now. And you know what. I shouldn’t have been thinking about it for this long.

I always advise people to jump in head-first. Act now — think later. Business is about speed.

So here’s my plan. I’ll start writing daily emails from now on. Just to get a feel for them. See how they go. See how I like them. And see how you like them as well.

With one small change. I’ll only write a daily email each weekday. I feel like there’s a lot of value in my weekly email so I’m not willing to quit writing those. But since I’ve been writing an email each Monday. That’ll have to change.

So here’s the new schedule:

  • Monday: Short Daily Email

  • Tuesday: Short Daily Email

  • Wednesday: Short Daily Email

  • Thursday: Short Daily Email

  • Friday: Short Daily Email

  • Saturday: No Email

  • Sunday: Longer Weekly Email (Ascend 101)

This allows me to experience the best of both worlds.

Let me know what you think of this new schedule by clicking one of the links below:

As for the name of this email. I don’t even know. Does an email need a name? It probably does. The longer weekly email is named Ascend 101. And it’ll be useful to have another name for the shorter email to differentiate between the two.

It’ll also be useful to have an option that lets you choose if you want to receive both emails or only one of them.

Here’s the deal. I’ll look into adding the latter as a functionality. And you’ll be able to name the new daily email newsletter if you like. Simply reply to this email if you have a recommendation.

And who knows. The entire future of my creator career might be determined by your idea.

That’s it for today. I’m looking forward to seeing what the future holds.

See you tomorrow. (I’ll have to get used to this)

