A once-in-a-lifetime 80-page sales letter

I’ve been hand-copying sales letters for about 2 months straight now.

More specifically, classic direct mail letters from old-school legends such as Gary Halbert, David Ogilvy, Claude Hopkins, John Caples, Gary Bencivenga, and Joseph Sugarman.

I don’t bother learning from modern-day advertisements, let alone online sales pages.

This is something Ben Settle recommended because the modern stuff gets way more leniency working with hot and warm audiences who know you and buy your stuff regardless of the sales page copy.

That wasn’t so much the case back when agencies had to mail to thousands of homes, most of them had never even heard of the product they were selling before.

A simple test could cost thousands sometimes millions depending on the scale.

Every sentence, every word, every punctuation mark had to earn its place.

But there are a few exceptions.

And one of those exceptions is a sales page by Gary Bencivenga, often referred to as the greatest living copywriter, I recently came across selling his $5,000 farewell seminar—which is a staggering 80 pages long.

I have nothing to sell in this email.

Doing so would undermine the value and greatness of Bencivenga’s sales page.

What I’ll do is leave you with the link to the sales page.

Either read through it, hand copy it if you so dare, or just simply check it out to see if there are some interesting things you can pick up and learn from.

I’ll leave the link here and you can decide whether it’s worth your time to check it out or not: https://marketingbullets.com/available-on-dvds-for-the-first-and-only-time/