Who wins? Marcus or Bob?

Imagine 2 friends, Bob and Marcus.

They’re both fresh out of high school and want to build their own creator businesses.

The only difference is how they approach the business.

Bob comes up with the biggest claims he can possibly make. He’ll say stuff like “I’ll help you make $10,000/month in less than 60 days or you’ll get your money back”, even though he hasn’t made a single cent online in his entire life.

Marcus plays it differently.

He takes the transparent route. He shares what he’s working on and he’s open with both his achievements and his failures. Marcus is also looking for clients but he tells them that he’s just starting out and he only helped a few clients for free before.

He doesn’t make any crazy claims but keeps it simple, and talks about his own experience and stuff he knows he can deliver on. No crazy promises, not yet.

A few months later and Bob is growing his audience at an incredible rate while Marcus… isn’t.

He’s getting some traction, yes, but it’s slow, yet steady.

Immediately Bob started getting some clients. He even closed his first $1,500 coaching client and he’s hyped to help him as well as he can.

Marcus on the other hand hasn’t made any many yet, but he’s got a few testimonials from people he helped for free.

Now, fast forward a year.

What do you think would’ve happened?

You see, I have no idea. I’m not claiming that I know what happens in both situations.

But here’s what I predict will happen:

Bob, while getting fast and early traction, with lots of growth and lots of paid clients, ultimately fails to deliver for every single of his clients. He doesn’t have the necessary skills to backup his claims.

Every single on of his clients stops working with him after a month or 2.

He has no positive testimonials to show, no case studies whatsoever—except his own Stripe payments which only tell half a story.

Bob worsens his reputation month after month and he’s doomed to leave the market and start anew somewhere else.

Marcus on the other hand?

Marcus has been focusing on transparency and honesty. He’s sharing what he does every step of the way—especially his failures and his shortcomings.

He’s slowly, but steadily, been building an audience of loyal customers, people who trust him, people who actually know him, people who want to be around him, not because of how much revenue he can add to someone’s business, but because of who he is as a person.

He’s been working his way up from the bottom, building his skills, gathering testimonials, and building an immense backlog of success stories and achievements.

Marcus built a functioning, profitable, and stable business while Bob tarnished his reputation and failed to build anything meaningful in the long run.

That’s my vision.

Maybe I’m naive, maybe I’m not. Who knows?

Maybe I could earn more money faster, by making these crazy claims of things I have no idea how to do.

But that doesn’t feel right to me.

I aim to be a Marcus every step of the way.

And with that said.

I recently updated my Ultimate Content Creator’s Toolkit—again.

In case you don’t know. This toolkit is a collection of the most valuable resources I used to educate myself, to learn what to focus on, to know where to go, and to get to where I am today.

Some of the resources are paid, yes, most of them however are free.

Once again, I have to be transparent here.

I’m not saying you’ll immediately build yourself a 6-figure business just by getting this toolkit. It’ll take you time and energy to go through every resource. You’ll have to learn, apply, and experiment with every framework, principle, and guideline you come across.

But I couldn’t have gotten to where I am today if it weren’t for these resources.

And I hope you’ll find them at least 10% as valuable as I did.

Anyway, here’s the link if you’d like to check it out: https://alexvandromme.gumroad.com/l/UCCT